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Some Common pH Indicators     
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Indicator                                      0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Preparation                       
Methyl Violet 0.0-1.6                                              .01-.05% in water
Crystal Violet 0.0-1.8                                              .02% in water
Ethyl Violet 0.0-2.4                                              .1g 50% methanol/water
Malachite Green 0.2-1.8                               water
Methyl Green 0.2-1.8                                   .1% in water
Cresol Red .04-1.8                                   ammonia/water
Thymol Blue 1.2-2.8                               ammonia/water
Bromophenol Blue 3.0-4.6                               ammonia/water
Congo Red 3.0-5.0                               .1% in water
Methyl Orange 3.2-4.4                               .01% in water
Resorcin Blue 4.4-6.2                               .2% ethanol
Alzarin Red S 4.6-6.0                               water
Methyl Red 4.8-6.0                               ethanol/water
Litmus 5.0-8.0                               water
Bromoceresol Purple 5.2-6.8                               ammonia/water
Chrophenol Red 5.2-6.8                               ammonia/water
Bromothymol Blue 6.0-7.6                               ammonia/water
Phenol Red 6.6-8.0                               ammonia/water
Neutral Red 6.8-8.0                               ethanol/water
Tumaric Curcumin 7.4-8.6                               ethanol
Phenolphthalein 8.2-10.0                             ethanol/water
Thymophthalein 9.4-10.6                               ethanol/water
Alzarin Yellow R 10.1-12.0                               .01% in water
Clayton Yellow 12.2-13.2                               .1% in water

pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution. It is defined as the cologarithm of the activity of dissolved hydrogen ions (H+). Hydrogen ion activity coefficients cannot be measured experimentally, so they are based on theoretical calculations. The pH scale is not an absolute scale; it is relative to a set of standard solutions whose pH is established by international agreement.[1]           http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PH


pH Calculator:  http://www.sensorex.com/support/education/pH_calculator.html

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