to home page.
astronomy is a relatively new science compared to optical astronomy. There
are however many sites on the internet with additional detailed
information; click LINKS. Many
heavenly bodies emit electromagnetic radiation as well as light radiation.
The ionosphere which reflects radio waves is a nuisance to radio
astronomy. Fortunately there are waves that can penetrate the ionosphere
without undue absorption or reflection. The radio frequency range of most
importance to radio astronomy therefore is approximately from 1 centimeter to 10
meters. Our sun radiates electromagnetic waves and can be studied during
daylight hours. The more distant objects radiating electromagnetic waves
are observed during night time hours. This is similar to optical
astronomic observation. The radio telescope antennas must be
necessarily fairly large. Not long ago, even at one meter it required an
antenna of the size of the Jodrell Bank radio telescope to produce a beam width
of one degree. Many new advances in technology, antenna design and low
noise amplifiers have made smaller antennas a real possibility today.
Antennas as small as six feet in diameter to around 20 feet in diameter are
possible for the backyard amateur radio astronomer. Important work with
smaller and smaller antennas is the new frontier of radio astronomy.
You can learn the basics of radio astronomy by downloading this FREE pdf document.
There are ways the amateur can participate in radio astronomy without constructing large dishes. Much of this will consist of researching information in books, magazines and internet resources. William Lonc wrote a book on the subject. Studies of HF propagation and HF noise is also related and of interest. Interception of Jupiter's emissions around 18-22 Mhz are also possible at times with the proper receiving equipment (HF receiver), antennas, and orientation of the antenna toward Jupiter. See the Jupiter's emissions link for details. Be sure to look for and listen to the Jupiter sound files found on that site.
RADIO JOVE PROJECT - Don't miss the NASA and JPL Radio Jove project. It includes a complete radio telescope kit with antenna you can easily build. The free software provides computer logging of your Jovian listening projects. Find out more about this exciting radio telescope project you can be involved in by clicking HERE
VLA Images of Outburst from Black Hole Binary Star System
Dramatic Outburst Reveals Nearest Black Hole to Earth
A dramatic outburst September
1999 showed scientists that a
previously-known variable star in the constellation Sagittarius
has a hungry black hole as a companion. Only 1,600 light-years
away, it is the closest known black hole. Rapidly drawing material
from the star, the black hole caused an outburst of X-rays, light
and radio waves. The Very Large Array radio telescope observed a
"jet" of subatomic particles shot out at nearly the
speed of light from this system. The two images at left, made only
30 minutes apart, show significant change; the image at right,
made two days later, shows that the outburst quickly faded,
leaving only a weakly-emitting core.
More ....
VLA = Very Large Array Radio Telescope.
Click; Radio
Astronomy Telescope Project
An 5.2-meter amateur radio telescope for 1420 MHz is described.
Click; Basics
of Radio Astronomy
Click; Amateur
Radio Astronomy Resources
A site specializing in amateur radio astronomy. Lots of free information for
students, teachers, and amateur scientists.
Click; Radio
Astronomy Supplies
Your International Supplier of Quality Radio Astronomy Products
Click; The
University of Calgary Radio Astronomy Laboratory
Click; Radio
Astronomy and SETI - Big Ear Radio Observatory
This Kraus-type radio telescope, larger than three football fields, was famous
for the Wow! Signal and for the longest-running SETI project.
Click; NRAO
- National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Click; Max-Planck-Institut
für Radioastronomie
Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy, Bonn, Germany. It is the home
institution of the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope, the 100m
antenna of Effelsberg, which has been successfully operated since August 1972.
Click; Cavendish
Astrophysics Homepage
Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory.
The Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers
EME, SETI, Radio Astronomy and DSP for Radio Amateurs (W6/PA0ZN)
Radio Astronomy for Scientists Teachers and Students
Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers
The SETI League, Inc.: Amateur Radio and Radio Astronomy Links
The Stanback Planetarium Amateur Radio Astronomy Webpage and WebRing
Amateur Radio Astronomy : Operating Modes: Amateur Radio Astronomy
Radio Astronomy and Space Science
Information for Amateur Radio Astronomers
Amateur radio astronomy with SIMPLE 20 MHz arrays
radio-telescope for radio astronomy
JAS: Observing Meteors by Radio
Directory - Science: Astronomy: Amateur: Radio Astronomy